CD3 Legislation, Policy and Guidance Documents
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CD3.1 Legislation
- CD3.1.1 Town and Country Planning Act 1990.pdf
- CD3.1.2 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.pdf
- CD3.1.3 Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010.pdf
- CD3.1.4 The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017.pdf
- CD3.1.5 Environment Act 2021.pdf
- CD3.1.6 EnvironmentAct1995c25 (1).pdf
CD3.2 National Planning Policy and Guidance
- CD3.2.1 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2021).pdf
- CD3.2.2 National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) Environmental Impact Assessment.pdf
- CD3.2.3 Levelling_Up_WP_HRES.pdf
- CD3.2.4 Levelling_Up_Fund_round_2_-_list_of_local_authorites_by_priority_category.xlsx
- CD3.2.5 tag-unit-m4-forecasting-and-uncertainty (1).pdf
CD3.3 Strategic Planning Policy
CD3.4 LB Newham Planning Policy
CD3.5 National Aviation Policy, Guidance and Research
- CD3.5.01 Aviation Policy Framework (2013).pdf
- CD3.5.02 Airports National Policy Statement (June 2018).pdf
- CD3.5.03 Beyond the Horizon The Future of UK Aviation Making best use of existing runways (June 2018).pdf
- CD3.5.04 Aviation Strategy 2050 The Future of UK Aviation (December 2018).pdf
- CD3.5.05 Decarbonising Transport A Better, Greener Britain (July 2021).pdf
- CD3.5.06 Flightpath to the future a strategic framework for the aviation sector (May 2022).pdf
- CD3.5.07 Jet Zero Strategy for Net Zero Aviation by 2050 (July 2022).pdf
- CD3.5.08 Overarching aviation noise policy (March 2023).pdf
- CD3.5.09 UK Air Navigation Guidance 2017.pdf
- CD3.5.10 Jet Zero Strategy – One Year On, Department for transport, 2023.pdf
- CD3.5.11 Losing Altitude. The economics of air transport in Great Britain, Alex Chapman, New Economics Foundation.pdf
- CD3.5.12 Jet Zero illustrative scenarios and sensitivities, Department for Transport, July 2022, Scenario 2 High Ambition .pdf
- CD3.5.13 Department for Transport, Jet Zero modelling framework .pdf
- CD3.5.14 AirportsSlotAllocationRegula.pdf
- CD3.5.15 jet-zero-further-technical-consultation.pdf
- CD3.5.16 Valuation of greenhouse gas emissions_ for policy appraisal and evaluation - GOV.UK.pdf
- CD3.5.17 uk-aviation-forecasts-2017.pdf
- CD3.5.18 OBR-EFO-March-2023_Web_Accessible.pdf
- CD3.5.19 Crossover Jets Market Report – Truenoord Regional Aircraft Leasing .pdf
- CD3.5.20 IATA Aircraft Costs Data 2021.pdf
- CD3.5.21 jet-zero-investment-flightpath.pdf
- CD3.5.22 decarbonising-transport-a-better-greener-britain (2).pdf
- CD3.5.23 Backing-Business-Air-Travel-220615.pdf
- CD3.5.24 NEF_Turbulence_Expected (1).pdf
CD3.6 National Air Quality Legislation, Policy and Guidance
- CD3.6.01 Environment Agency horizontal guidance note (H4) on odour assessment and management.pdf
- CD3.6.02 The Air Quality (England) Regulations 2000.pdf
- CD3.6.03 The Air Quality (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2002.pdf
- CD3.6.04 LBN Air Quality Action Plan.pdf
- CD3.6.05 Clean Air Strategy (January 2019).pdf
- CD3.6.06 GLA’s London Plan Guidance (Air Quality Neutral, 2023).pdf
- CD3.6.07 Environmental Improvement Plan (February 2023).pdf
- CD3.6.08 The Air Quality Strategy Framework for Local Authority Delivery 2023.pdf
- CD3.6.09 WHO, 2018. Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region (1).pdf
- CD3.6.10 Air Quality Standards Regulations 2010.pdf
- CD3.6.11 Environmental Targets Fine Particulate Matter Regulations 2023.pdf
- CD3.6.12 Air quality PPG.pdf
- CD3.6.13 Reducing Emissions from Road Transport Road to Zero Strategy .pdf
- CD3.6.14 Government’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution.pdf
- CD3.6.15 Air quality strategy_ framework for local authority delivery - GOV.UK.pdf
- CD3.6.16 london_environment_strategy_0.pdf
- CD3.6.17 GLA's London Plan Guidance Air Quality Positive LPG.pdf
- CD3.6.18 Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) Guidance on odour assessments .pdf
- CD3.6.19 Airport Air Quality Manual .pdf
- CD3.6.20 LAQM-Policy-Guidance-2022.pdf
- CD3.6.21 LAQM-TG22-August-22-v1.0.pdf
- CD3.6.22 llaqm_policy_guidance_2019.pdf
- CD3.6.23 Land-Use Planning Development Control Planning for Air Quality.pdf
CD3.7 Noise Legislation, Policy, Guidance and Research
- CD3.7.01 The Environmental Noise (England) Regulations 2006.pdf
- CD3.7.02 Noise Policy Statement for England (NPSE) (2010).pdf
- CD3.7.03 Overarching aviation noise policy.pdf
- CD3.7.04 a CAP1506a The 2014 Survey of Noise Attitudes (SoNA) Technical Report.pdf
- CD3.7.04 b cap1506b-sona-2014-data-files.xlsx
- CD3.7.04 CAP 1506 Survey of Noise Attitudes 2014 - Aircraft Noise and Annoyance Second Edition.pdf
- CD3.7.04 c CAP 1506c SoNA 2014 Aircraft Noise and Annoyance second edition - Peer Review - final.pdf
- CD3.7.04 d CAP1506d SoNA 2014 technical peer review.pdf
- CD3.7.05 a CAP2161a SoNA 2014 Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance - Peer Review (CAP 2161a).pdf
- CD3.7.05 CAP 2161 Survey of Noise Attitudes 2014 - Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance.pdf
- CD3.7.06 World Health Organization’s Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region 2018.pdf
- CD3.7.07 National Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) Noise (Latest Update).pdf
- CD3.7.08 Consultation-response-on-uk-airspace-policy-web.pdf
- CD3.7.09 - CAP1731AviationStrategyNoiseForecastandAnalyses_v2.pdf
- CD3.7.10 Aircraft Noise and Health Effects final (CAP2398).pdf
- CD3.7.11 World Health Organisation Night Noise Guidelines for Europe 2009.pdf
- CD3.7.12 - World Health Organisation Guidelines for Community Noise.pdf
- CD3.7.13 Directive 2002 49 EC.pdf
- CD3.7.14 EU Regulation No 598 2014.pdf
- CD3.7.15 The Airports (Noise-related Operating Restrictions) (England and Wales) Regulations 2018.pdf
- CD3.7.16 The Aviation Noise (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019.pdf
- CD3.7.17 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health “A Systematic Review of the Basis for WHO’s New Recommendation for Limiting Aircraft Noise Annoyance”.pdf
- CD3.7.18 Respite from aircraft noise high-level overview of journey on building our knowledge, Porter et al, Proceedings Internoise 2022 Glashow.pdf
- CD3.7.19 Civil Aviation Authority Survey of Noise Attitudes 2014 Aircraft Noise and Annoyance Second Edition.pdf
- CD3.7.20 Citizen Science Study of Overflight Noise from New and Old Generation Aircraft at London City Airport
- CD3.7.21 Professional Practice Guidance on Noise and Planning PG Main Document.pdf
- CD3.7.22 2014-Noise-and-EIA-IEMA.pdf
- CD3.7.23 LA 111 revision 2 Noise and vibration-web.pdf
- CD3.7.24 BS 82332014 Guidance on Sound Insulation and Noise Reduction for Buildings. London BSi.pdf
- CD3.7.25 BB93_February_2015.pdf
- CD3.7.26 HTM_08-01 (1).pdf
- CD3.7.27 environmental-noise-valuing-imapcts-PB14227.pdf
- CD3.7.28 CAP2091 CAA Policy on Minimum Standards for Noise Modelling (CAP2091) (1).pdf
- CD3.7.29 CAP1616 Airspace change Guidance on the regulatory process for changing the notified airspace design and planned and permanent redistribution of air traffic, and on providing airspace information.pdf
- CD3.7.30 CAP2251 Survey of Noise Attitudes 2014 Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance Further Analysis v1.1.pdf
- CD3.7.31 Office for National Statistics, Mid-Year Population Estimates, UK.pdf
- CD3.7.32 Minutes of the meeting of the London City Airport Consultative Committee.pdf
- CD3.7.33 - London_City_Airport_Noise_Action_Plan.pdf
- CD3.7.34 - City_Airport_Study_Data (1).xlsx
- CD3.7.35 - Approach_Noise_at_Heathrow_Concentrating_the_Problem (1).pdf
- CD3.7.36 - letter to London Docklands Corp.pdf
- CD3.7.37 - Airports Commission Discussion Paper.pdf
- CD3.7.38 - Participatory noise mapping works! An evaluation of participatory sensing as an alternative to standar.pdf
- CD3.7.39 Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Submission to the Airports Comission Widenoise Community Experience Project.pdf
- CD3.7.40 - Noise-Baseline-148-205.pdf
- CD3.7.41 - Simons et al. - 2015 - Assessment of noise level variations of aircraft flyovers using acoustic arrays.pdf
- CD3.7.42 - Kosmala et al. - 2016 - Assessing data quality in citizen science.pdf
- CD3.7.43 - Nold, Francis - 2016 - Participatory Sensing Recruiting Bipedal Platforms or Building Issue-centred Projects.pdf
- CD3.7.44 - CAP1692B_ModuleB_(P_LINKS).pdf
- CD3.7.45 - Filippone, Zhang, Bojdo - 2019 - Validation of an integrated simulation model for aircraft noise and engine emissions.pdf
- CD3.7.46 Inside E16: London City Airport's Community Magazine, Summer 2019 edition
- CD3.7.47 DfT, Econometric Models to Estimate Demand Elasticities for the National Air Passenger Demand Model, March 2022.pdf
- CD3.7.48 Gatwick Airport Ltd, Needs Case Appendix 1 – National Economic Impact Assessment, August 2023.pdf
- CD3.7.49 InterVISTAS for ACI EUROPE, Economic Impact of European Airports, 2015.pdf
- CD3.7.50 Oxford Economics for Eurocontrol, The Economic Catalytic Effects of Air Transport in Europe, 2005.pdf
- CD3.7.51 PwC econometric analysis to develop evidence on the links between aviation and the economy.pdf
- CD3.7.52 Oxford Economics for ATAG, Aviation Benefits Beyond Borders, 2020.pdf
- CD3.7.53 London Luton Airport Expansion Development Consent Order - Needs Casepdf.pdf
- CD3.7.54 ICE Paper - Frost - Ison (2015) - Comparison of noise impacts from urban transport.pdf
- CD3.7.55 Aircraft Noise Surveys - Overflight Measurements.pdf
CD3.8 Public Health Policy, Guidance and Research
- CD3.8.01 Public Health England Guidance - Health Impact Assessment in spatial planning.pdf
- CD3.8.02 Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment Guide Determining Significance for Human Health in EIA.pdf
- CD3.8.03 Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment Guide Effective Scoping of Human Health in EIA.pdf
- CD3.8.04 National Planning Practice Guidance Healthy and safe communities.pdf
- CD3.8.05 Lessons from an International Initiative to Set and Share Good Practice on Human Health in Environmental Impact Assessment. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health.pdf
- CD3.8.06 Human Health Ensuring Protection Main and Appendices.pdf
- CD3.8.07 Evidence for Environmental Noise Effects on Health for the United Kingdom Policy Context.pdf
- CD3.8.08 fph_systems_and_function-final-v2.pdf
- CD3.8.09 good-public-health-practice-framework_-2016_final.pdf
- CD3.8.10 - Kindig, D., Stoddart, G., 2003. What Is Population Health Am. J. Public Health 93, 380–383.pdf
- CD3.8.11 World Health Organisation Learning from practice case studies of health.pdf
- CD3.8.12 World Health Organization, 2004. The precautionary principle protecting public health, the environment and the future of our children.pdf
- CD3.8.13 The Preamble of the Constitution of the World Health Organization.pdf
- CD 3.8.14 - Adults_ Year 3 Annual Report (April 202...h 2023) (Official Statistics) - GOV.pdf
CD3.9 Climate Change Legislation, Policy, Guidance and Research
- CD3.9.01 Sustainable aviation fuels mandate - Summary of consultation responses and government response.pdf
- CD3.9.02 Climate Change Committee Report to Parliament.pdf
- CD3.9.03 Developing the UK Emissions Trading Scheme - Main Response.pdf
- CD3.9.04 Air Navigation (Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation) Order 2021.pdf
- CD3.9.05 Draft National Policy Statement for National Networks, Department for Transport.pdf
- CD3.9.06 London Net Zero 2030 - An Updated Pathway.pdf
- CD3.9.07 Mayor of London - Pathways to Net Zero Carbon by 2030.pdf
- CD3.9.08 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Synthesis Report 6 Summary for Policymakers.pdf
- CD3.9.09 ClimateChangeAct2008c27.pdf
- CD3.9.10 CarbonBudgetsOrder20091259.pdf
- CD3.9.11 Committee-on-Climate-Change-Fifth-Carbon-Budget-Report (1).pdf
- CD3.9.12 Committee on Climate Change Meeting the UK aviation target - optionsf or reducing emissions to 2050.pdf
- CD3.9.13 Policies-for-the-Sixth-Carbon-Budget-and-Net-Zero.pdf
- CD3.9.14 GreenhouseGasEmissionsTradin.pdf
- CD3.9.15 GreenhouseGasEmissionsTradin.pdf
- CD3.9.16 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Amendment Order 2022 454.pdf
- CD3.9.17 uk-emissions-trading-scheme-consultation-government-response (1).pdf
- CD3.9.18 govt-response-ccc-annual-progress-report-recommendations.pdf
- CD3.9.19 CCC Progress-in-reducing-emissions-2022-Report-to-Parliament.pdf
- CD3.9.20 sustainable-aviation-fuel-mandate-dataset.ods
- CD3.9.21 Introduction_to_EEA_EMEP-Guidebook2023_TH-AL-23-005-EN-N.pdf
- CD3.9.22 PM speech on Net Zero_ 20 September 2023 - GOV.UK.pdf
- CD3.9.23 ccc-annual-progress-report-2023-government-response.pdf
- CD3.9.24 Resolution_A41-21_Climate_change.pdf
- CD3.9.25 net-zero-strategy-beis.pdf
- CD3.9.26 mission-zero-independent-review.pdf
- CD3.9.27 GHG Protocol for Project Accounting.pdf
- CD3.9.28 developing-the-uk-ets-consultation paper - 2022.pdf
- CD3.9.29 The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Auctioning Regulations 2021.pdf
- CD3.9.30 The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Auctioning (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021.pdf
- CD3.9.31 The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Auctioning (Amendment) Regulations 2023.pdf
- CD3.9.32 UK to enshrine mandatory climate disclosures for largest companies in law - GOV.UK.pdf
- CD3.9.33 Lee et al “The contribution of global aviation to anthropogenic climate forcing for 2000 to 2018,”.pdf
- CD3.9.34 Updated analysis of the non-CO2 climate impacts of aviation and potential policy measures pursuant to EU Emissions Trading System Directive.pdf
- CD3.9.35 Feasibility-of-Zero-Emissions-Airport-Operations.pdf
- CD3.9.36 EIA-Guide_GHG-Assessment-and-Significance_IEMA_16May17 (2).pdf
- CD3.9.37 Short Guide to Airport Carbon Accreditation November 2020.pdf
- CD3.9.38 - nz2030_element_energy.pdf
- CD3.9.39 Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Valuation of energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, January 2023.pdf
CD3.10 Guidance
- CD3.10.01 The Royal Docks and Beckton Riverside Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF) (2023).pdf
- CD3.10.02 - Socio-economic assessment and improving EIA - IEMA.pdf
- CD3.10.03 - tag-overview.pdf
- CD3.10.04 - TAG_Unit_A5.2_-_Aviation_Appraisal_Nov_2022_Accessible_v1.0.pdf
- CD3.10.05 - tag-unit-m4-forecasting-and-uncertainty.pdf
- CD3.10.06 - tag-uncertainty-toolkit.pdf
- CD3.10.07 - forthcoming-change-appraisal-guidance-updates.pdf
- CD3.10.08 - Green_Book_2022.pdf
- CD3.10.09 - Government in Markets.pdf
- CD3.10.10 BEIS Guidance, Valuation of energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.pdf
- CD3.10.11 ONS Travelpac Travel to and from the UK, Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2023 edition.pdf
- CD3.10.11 ONS Travelpac Travel to and from the UK, Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2023 edition.xlsx
- CD3.10.12 DESNZ Guidance, GHG Reporting - conversion factors 2023.xlsx
- CD3.10.13 characteristics-of-terminal-passengers.pdf
- CD3.10.14 - 2023 ghg conversion factors for company reporting - methodology paper.pdf